Atsuro Tayama - Japanese White Ankle Socks with Clip-Toe Sandals Spread Spring-Summer 2015

"Japonisme" - popularisation of Japanese dress style in Europe dates from 19th century, but it mainly focuses on dress. Japanese socks - Tabi, and Japanese sandals - Geta have not been going into mainstream. However, when spring-summer 2015 has come, Japanese designer Atsuro Tayama who works in France where the word "Japonisme" was born brings us purified footwear style of Japan, and this would become the highlight of this year's fashion.

“日本主義”早在十九世紀就已經在歐洲聲名鵲起,但一直以來它只體現在衣裙領域,日式的鞋襪則鮮能打入主流。但是 2015 年春夏到來之際,旅法——法國是“Japonisme”一詞的誕生地——旅法日本設計師田山淳朗,給大家帶來了真正的日本夾趾鞋襪文化,這勢必成為今季席捲全球的時尚亮點。

On Sep 24th, 2014, Atsuro Tayama formally published his design in Paris Fashion Week, where all models were in v-toe ankle socks with flip-flop-like strappy wedged sanadals, especially most of them were in white socks with black sandals.


In the page there is a sentence telling us very detailedly:


"Models walked in white socks worn with strappy platform sandals that cut between the toes, like the strange combo worn by the Geisha who walk in socks and dainty Zoris shoes with a toe thong, visible beneath their pretty kimonos."

“模特們腳穿着白短襪和帶有後鞋帶、前面分開腳趾的防水台涼鞋在 T 台上行走,就像藝妓穿著夾住腳趾的木屐和短襪一樣,在她們的和服之下清晰可見。”

Let me share all photos from the link above here to everyone.



Youtube video without background music:

Facebook video:

The page of Atsuro Tayama on Facebook was established and is organised by fans in Hong Kong. When the new design has been published, Atsuro Tayama store in Hong Kong asked a model named Maria Kaprimo to illustrate this style of footwear:

Facebook 上的田山淳朗頁面是由香港人創建和經營的。當田山的新品正式出爐之後,其在香港中環的門店請來了模特 Maria Kaprimo 來展示剛剛在巴黎秀過的白短襪和黑夾趾涼鞋:

Stores besides Hong Kong's also show some:


Is there anyone who still remembers this article: Ukrainian designer Tatyana Parfionova used to demonstrate v-toe white ankle socks with flip-flops or high-heeled sandals, and Prada used to show a kind of shoes which combine socks and clip-toe sandals together. They both come from Japan, but now the real Japanese designer comes out and tells us what real "Japonisme" is. Pure white ankle socks are what Japanese tradition pursues.

有人還記得我在去年四月底寫過的關於歷年時裝秀的文章嗎?烏克蘭的 Tatyana Parfionova 曾經展示過二趾白短襪搭配人字拖或普通高跟涼鞋,Prada 也推出過一款集襪子與夾趾涼鞋與一身的鞋子。這些設計理念都來自日本,但今天,真正的日本設計師詮釋了何為真正的日本主義——純白色的短襪,那才是日本傳統裡所追求的。

