She is a role whom I name "Soxy Sandally" in the famous online game "Second Life" ( I mean to dress her a pair of frilly white ankle sox and a high-heeled sandal on her left foot but leave the right one without shoe, which make more sexiness than a pair of sandals for looking shy.
有一個著名的國際網路遊戲叫“Second Life”(,在裡頭我為一位虛擬女孩起名喚作“Soxy Sandally”,讓她腳著一對花邊白短襪,但是只有左腳穿著高跟涼鞋、右腳不穿鞋,這樣營造一種羞答答的感覺,看上去比穿著一雙涼鞋更為性感。
The first episode shows that she lies at Sydney's seaside in winter.